It’s just that I am an adventurer
& I cannot change my course & also
I ate your rainbow trout after learning
something new about rainbow trout.
I can’t give you up, I don’t want to.
I’ve never been on dry land
before. What would move me?
Like they always say, I am going nowhere
in particular & who wants to
have sex with me in this canoe?
Once I did not drink anything but water.
It feels different saying that to you.
& then I was apart from all bones
in my stomach. I was like you.
Then I captured & killed your water
& was confirmed as more than viscous.
River, are you listening to me as I speak to you
from this vessel? From inside where I am
dry & what is it like to have wet feelings?
Do you wish I could change? I can change.
Look, I’m already paddling toward shore.