I cleaned
the kitchen
like you asked
dear, plate
under hot water
with a dish
rag down
did you hear
the faucet turn
or see through
that mirror over
your shoulder in
the living room
I know now
to wait until
you leave
to make a call—
out of earshot
I cleaned
the floor with
vinegar and
white wine,
drooping down
waving in circles
at the Earth
I sang loud
tones to the wood
soul tunes
backing up
Betty Everett
in early afternoon
did you hear my
harmony of you
and I and after
I decided
you didn’t
need to hear me
anymore so
I froze us
the arm, the liver
all stuck
in a freezer but
spattered on the
floor I cleaned
the kitchen
like you asked dear,
crunching your
frozen ear
under my foot