A dog is running after its own tail.
One minute a man sees
the next. He is awake again.
He is always waking.
It’s like this:
a glass full,
then empty.
No evidence of drinking.
In sleep there might be peace;
a longer narrative, sea air.
Holding a piece of chocolate,
turning it over and over,
each time new.
Is there life on Mars yet?
People are getting more cancers.
For thirty seconds, a story
from a TV show: the world
has stopped. He is still
moving. The eyes become
vessels for no one, an eclipse
of the spirit. Unblinking,
he waits to pause.
Semantic (write it down):
Thomas Edison. Eudemonia.
Seven Wonders of the World.
The Pi to the 13th Decimal.
The first time he meets his wife.
It was raining like today.
He has forgotten the taste of rain.
What the body desires
1. to waste
2. to take in
Briefly, lucid, metaphorical:
a pebble stuck in the middle
of an hourglass. An empty set.
Pin-pricked, the immediate
withdrawal of the hand.
He will refuse to be
The dog always rushing
to greet his master
even when gone
for mere minutes.
Nothing better than
[This moment]
Better than nothing
She brings him his piano sheets
and he could see with ears
the budding of a flower in full
bloom before it fades, unfolding
all at the same time
he and his wife are on their first trip
together: playing footsie in the sand,
the wind making her hair wild with dance,
the ruby pale swimsuit over a skyless
sun. Being, not suspended, breathing
the earliest beyond language:
how can I remember what I had
no words for? They are not enough
to describe her scent. In music,
a rest. In joking, cease the day.
In seriousness,
the only present is lonely
His mother has passed a decade ago.
A pebble is inside a shoe. To forget
you once mourned, the hour must be
re-turned again and again.
For all one knows,
in those spaces,
is a God.